Grabbed from
coil_kitten The Rules:
1. Type in your birthday (minus the year) in the search bar at ( was good too)
2. List three interesting facts, two births, and one death that happened on your birthday
facts1. 1992: Bush orders U.S. troops to Somalia
U.S. President George Bush orders 25,000 U.S. troops into Somalia. In late 1992, civil war, drought, and clan-based fighting created famine conditions that threatened one-fourth of Somalia's population with starvation. The United Nations began a humanitarian mission but found it difficult to distribute food in the war-ravaged nation, so the U.S. agreed to help support the mission with military aid. On June 5, 1993, soldiers under Somali warlord General Mohammed Aidid massacred 24 Pakistani U.N. peacekeepers. U.S. and U.N. forces searched for the elusive strongman, and in August, 400 elite U.S. troops arrived to capture Aidid. Two months later, 18 of these soldiers were killed and 84 wounded during a disastrous assault on Mogadishu's Olympia Hotel. As many as 1,000 Somalis were killed in the violent 17-hour firefight. Three days later, with Aidid still at large, recently inaugurated President Bill Clinton cut his losses and ordered a U.S. withdrawal. Devastating clan fighting continued in Somalia into the next century.
2. 1586
Queen Elizabeth I confirms the death sentence on Mary Queen of Scots
3. 771
Austrasian King Carloman dies, leaving his brother Charlemagne King of the now complete Frankish Kingdom.
1. 1840 - Crazy Horse, Oglala Sioux chief (d. 1877)
2. 1892 - Francisco Franco, dictator of Spain (d. 1975)
1642 - Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu, French statesman (b. 1585)