There's a great pub overlooking the water with really cheap beer in Wapping
Kayak polo is great fun
The Docklands are really beautiful and really horrible at the same time
Nowhere else could you live in a Danderyd flat in Tensta
Our Global positioning System doesn't work unless it has visual contact with at least one death cube at once
If you encounter Jamaica Road while cycling home at midnight and think "Oh, that's the road really close to home, but it's perpendicular to the way I'm going" - don't listen to that and follow it
We hate people stupid people men
We've found some really ftastic areas with great flats
Its a shame we have no idea where they are
We've waited with cycling home from work because the London traffic is too scary and we'd like to be less scared first
Three pints is required not to be scared
Asian blokes can get really drunk
We had forgotten how scary it is to cycle after three pints
We want to move to Shadwell Basin
Smart people are insecure at heart
We hate posh areas
We hate artificial new developments and couldn't feel comfortable living in one
That's a shame because we love old warehouses turned into flats