Going Nutters

Feb 10, 2008 15:14

Life has suddenly become overwhelming. I don't really know why. Admittedly I am pretty stressed due to our shortened semester. Seeing as they will be remodeling the house I am staying in now, we are leaving London early and going to Greece. Super exciting, right? Yes and no. Yes, because I get to spend a month in Greece. No, because we have to finish the majority of our classes before we go which means our semester is compressed, hours longer and workload heavier. So for now studying owns my soul.
And I fell off a horse about two weeks ago during my Equestrian class (yes, they offer horseback riding, it is England after all) and am still pretty sore. Not only that, but I have two lessons left to complete to get credit for the class. So my fear (slightly exaggerated as it is) of riding is also stressing me out.
Basically I have no idea how to relax right now. I can't seem to get my mind off my worries. My parents visiting this past weekend helped, but it also made me extremely homesick. Realistically I know there is pretty much no reason for me to be freaking out this much but try telling my mind that. I know I'll pull through this and my anxiety will pass. I just need to remind myself not to sweat the small stuff and take one day at a time. Of course, this is easier said than done but I might  as well try. What have I got to lose? (sanity aside). Wish me luck, lord knows I need it.
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