Apr 12, 2005 18:45
wow today i didn't get to talk to my lizzie at all!!! that's really sad!! (tear, tear)
well, 2nd was kinda wierd cuz i got that part of a song in my head that goes like this" i got permission to put ur mamma in a headlock" "i got my corner on lock down, i'm about to hold this whole block down, ludacris tell them how the south sounds, " yup that's in my head right now! GET OUT!!! AHHHH! ok i'm coo!
my lizzie was dancing around wit valiza. lizzie was wearing this sexy nympho dress that made me wanna be happy! it was weird!! i wanted to dance around to but my head and tummy hurt alot! (P.M.S)
in chemistry, i forgot my book so my teacher sent me on errands for him. he wanted me to get him a discounted keva juices which its all his fault that i worked today!! that poo poo head!!! (GRRRR)
in 6th, it was kinda coo but mostly boring! i talked to Bliss about her family problems and told her to hang in there and if she ever wanted to get away for awhile just "halla".
At lunch, i worked and my lizzie fed me (thanks). then, the guy that i worked with is sooo hilarious! he even told off those guyz that bother me when i work! it was the greatest moment of my life!!! j/k!
last period, stephaine and sasha were crazy today!we found out that sasha is having a baby boy!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
then Sara called me crying! again! iasked her what was wrong and she said that sterling still liked some girl and that she thought that he was going to break up with her! i couldn't help but laugh! sorry1 i told her the first time he did it and she didn't listen to me! i don't know y she didn't listen to me, I only tell the truth!!! i can't lie its really hard for me!
anyways, i got home, then had to go back to the school to pick up my baby and check out a movie for him! he's crazy(for me) j/k!lol
then, i went to wal-greens cuz stupid robert wanted to buy a stupid chapstick, but it was ok cuz i had to get some stuff for me too!! i just wanted to blame it on him though!hopefully tomorrow will be more adventurous than today was!! luv ya muchos!!!!