Дайджест материалов по ElasticSearch

May 25, 2021 15:42

After the vacation, I lost interest in further research around ElasticSearch. There is still a lot of interesting stuff there, especially in terms of proper deployment and migration of large amounts of data. But the digest volume already exceeds 150 pages, so I decided to post it as it is and switch to something more interesting and relevant. After all, it is highly unlikely that I will ever be needed specifically as an expert on this tool.

What has been read and squeezed out:
* "Elasticsearch in Action" - it is a good book, but very dated. However, the ideas and concepts are well explained.
* "Learning Kibana 7, Second Edition" - it is more modern but very sketchy. But a little bit about all the elements of the stack.
* "Advanced Elasticsearch 7.0" - it is a collection of copypasted fragments from documentation without any additional explanations, but with a bunch of inarticulate screenshots. I strongly recommend that you don't even touch it.
* Official Documentation.
* All sorts of articles, mostly from Habr and Medium.

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