(no subject)

Aug 08, 2007 23:05

OK... The next installment of The Adventures of Josh arrived today...

Today is Thursday 070802 [year month day, for those of you that haven’t figured it out by now] and we got some free time so to start recapping the week. [yada yada yada... Josh and Dad personal stuff] and then we went to PT where if we don’t sound off loud enough we push (do push-ups). If anyone does half an extra jumping jack we push, if people echo count when they’re not supposed to, we push. So after all that my arms are still sore. Then Tuesday I got my -- (Right when I wrote my... The senior Drill Instructor walked on deck and no one said anything so we had to stand at attention for the rest of our free time so I’m finishing this of course when I should be sleeping) -- rifle. So since then we have been doing rifle drills.

Then Wednesday me and this other guy Fernandez were chosen to do a special job because we got the highest ASVAB scores [no, I don’t know what that is, so don’t ask me] in the platoon, linen duty. We got to take up half a day counting sheets and I got to show off my super math shizzel by multiplying a bunch of sheets to get a total of 1287... That’s all the sheets for my whole company. Then later that day we had our first MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) class. I got to punch for 10 minutes, switch [to something... Must have lost his train of thought] for 5 minutes... Sounds fun - hah.

So for today we PT’d again and I got my portholes (glasses/big weird indestructible glasses). Until Sunday when I finish this...

Sunday 070805 - Friday was an OK day. We had another MCMAP class where we learned elbows and “Hammer Fist!!!” and also did the O course [obstacle course] but because so many people failed it we went to the dirt. After that I went to Shabbat services. It was good. There were like 3 Jewish recruits there but the Chaplain’s family and other random people were there. The best thing about it wasn’t the service but when my DI, Sgt King came to pick me up we had a real conversation. It was odd and good at the same time. Then Saturday was a great day. Our main DI, Sgt Lewis wasn’t here so our Senior DI, SSgt Hamilton led us in CODs (close order drills) which was good because when we screwed up, he just made us do it over again instead of getting pissed off like Sgt Lewis. Sundays are relaxing but this Sunday isn’t. Ill tell you in my next letter. Until then

With all my love
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