my first fan fiction!!!

Feb 08, 2008 20:55

So yesterday my great and wonderful editor-in-cheif super fabulous friend, Shauna, gave me back chapter one of my HP Fan Fiction. She made super good edits and I was able to spend less time (it took three hours to combine our edits and finish the first chapter for second edits) editing. Which meant that I was able to submit it to Checkmated for approval and then a beta....I AM SO SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! I love to write, even if I am just borrowing characters. It makes me feel so great to be able to put my thoughts on paper. I am so glad that I have such a good support of friends. Besides Shauna, Jeanette, Heather, Mim, Pam and Donna have all encouraged me to do something creative and now I have...Super big smiles from me and the happy dance too!

I gush but it is so worth it!

By the way, any one reading this is welcome to respond to this question:

Why do people in small, suped up cars seem to think they are Superman???? They drive like they are invincible and must go at the speed of light when they drive. And since I am currently living in the middle of a snow drift, why do they insist that when the road is a solid sheet of ice, they can still drive 60MPH. I feel bad when I see them in the ditch but then I just want to stop and say, "Hey Superman! Was the $2500 worth of damage that you just caused worth it???? Found your Kriptonite, huh?"

That's my rant for the day!

hp fan fiction first

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