Mar 04, 2008 12:18

I just sent chapter two to the friendly editor-in-chief! She is working on it, so I hope to have it today or tomorrow. I will post it as soon as it is finished. Chapter 3 has a basic outline, but I am trying to come up with a better name for the fic.  I am thinking it really should be called "Of Harry and Ginny" as this is where the plot bunnies have decided to go. I feel like Alice chasing the White Rabbit...Stay away from the rabbit, Alice!

This is my not-so-ranting of my rant for the day:

I am happy because I got to stay home from work today, and not so happy as my youngest is sick. She is sleeping now, so I have time to type. I don't think it is going to last. I feel bad for her 'cause she never gets a little sick, she likes to get sick with a vengence! EW! I feel happy though because work is really getting to me. I would love to move to a creative department there, but if I do that, will the creative butterflies in my brain die?

I just finished my new Sherrilyn Kenyon book, "Dream Chaser". That woman sure does now how to write! I love her bookes. I have a few, my mom has the rest! I just love them. Makes you wonder what the world really is made up of!!! If you like romance novels, I hands down reccommend hers!

hp fan fic, sherrilyn kenyon

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