SPN Dream 1: The Impala in Canada

Sep 23, 2010 23:40

This is my most recent SPN dream.  To understand who Bec/Bri are, might want to read my previous post or go through the dream remembering that Bec is myself and Bri is my fellow SPN-lover best friend Kaira

This dream was most likely brought on due to that prior to sleeping, Kaira and I had a discussion about how all of the Winchesters cases are in the United States.  Granted, we both know that Kripke described the show/part of the show once as a road trip across America, but Mexico/Canada are within reachable distance.  So we laughed/joked about what cases might pop up if the brothers ended up in either country.

There is also a strong possibilty the dream was influenced by that at that time Kaira/I had not yet gone up to Canada for the Salute to Supernatural 2010 Convention in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Anywho, on to the dream

Bobby phoned in telling the group (Dean, Bri, Sam and Bec) that there was a case up in Canada.  Bec, Bri, and Sam thought nothing up it and starting packing supplies/research into the two cars:  The Winchesters 1967 Chevy Impala and Bec's "Kianu" aka her 1957 Thunderbird (http://www.whidbeycruzers.com/ford/Judy%20Biddle%2057%20Ford%20Tbird.JPG  exactly like this car, because if there is one car that makes me turn into a car loving pile of squealing goo its a dark red 1957 Ford Thunderbird).

Dean begins flipping out and insists to the others that there is NO WAY in the depths of hell he is driving his precious baby Impala up to Canada.  But no matter how much the other three try to get him to explain, Dean doesn't elaborate way he doesn't want the Impala crossing the border.  Fed up, Sam somehow takes over the driving of the car (I can't remember, but I think it involved Dean tied up in either the back seat or the trunk) and they drive to the border of the States and Canada.

AS SOON as the Impala crossed the border, btw with no customs/border crossing in sight, the Impala stops dead in her tracks.  Dean is suddenly free of his ties and/or the trunk and is in tears of saddness and rage.  He starts going on and on how he knew this was going to happen, how he was told never to bring the Impala to Canada, and this is all the others fault.  Bri demands to know what's going on and the idea comes from someone that maybe the border between Canada and the States is cursed.

To quote Bec, "Like a devil's trap against awesome muscle cars?  But then why would that be, since my car works fine?"  and preceeds to drive back and forth in her Thunderbird over the border to emphasize her point.  Sam is now for some reason riding on the trunk of her car and the border is highlighted in neon redish-pink.  Apparently, this is not alarming to any of the four hunters.

The three are finally convinced by a near-tears Dean they have to push the Impala back to the States side.  As soon as this is done the engine roars back to life, and the Impala drives away on her own.  Yet again, this is not alarming to the four hunters.  She comes back, parks, but then to test to see if the Impala does it again Bri takes the wheel and drives the car over the border.  Once again the engine dies but this time keeps rolling.  Bri is ejected from the seat, the rolling full sized Impala changes to a toy car big enough for a suddenly appearing demon rubber duck to be the driver...

And the dream ends with Sam laughing at the sheer look of death-by-misery look on Dean's face.

Welcome to the crazy dreams created by your one and only KRM's head XDDD
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