Jun 15, 2011 11:55
Well, I kicked it into high gear trying to lose weight again in May. I managed to maintain, if not lose, through the holidays, but in March I really needed it to be spring, and it just wasn't, so I ate my way to happiness and I put on 7 pounds back that I had lost. Doesn't sound like a lot, but clothes that had gotten really loose started to fit better and suchlike. So in May when the Farmer's Markets opened, even though it was still chilly out, I decided that was my signal, and I recommitted to being healthy.
Bought myself a new digital scale for the kitchen so I can weigh out proper portion sizes and help myself keep track of the calories I eat in a day. Because really? That's how I do it. I try to be more active and walk walk walk - but "exercise" as in a gym is just not it for me. *shugs* So I watch what I eat instead.
Since then, I've lost back the 7 pounds and as of this morning just the tiniest hairs breath more - so I very happy about that. My goal is before winter hits again here in the frozen hinterlands, to have gotten down so that my BMI no longer says "obese" but merely "overweight". That's about 34 pounds away. That might be an unreasonable goal - I'm not sure, but it's what I'm shooting at.