
Life has never been so sweet. Never. :D

Sep 07, 2010 20:48


In preparation for school starting tomorrow I am going through last year's notes and throwing out the inches of paper I had of notes, papers and crap I needed to know. I find it mildly disgusting. However, I am about to start on the EASIEST semester of my degree. How you may ask? Well, I am changing my degree slightly. Instead of doing the Honours with a Specialization in Biochemistry I am doing a four year bachelor with a major in Biochemistry. You may ask why I would do such a thing when I am only missing two courses to graduate with the specialization? Well, for my career. I figured out that if I take the major I can start working in January while only taking cell regulation. I am 75% sure I can get a job in January with Environmental Emergencies Division and even though I will still be on student salary I will still be making some sweet coin, increasing chances of getting hired after graduation and not incurring more debt. I thought about it for some time and I just can't come up with a reason to not do this. If I end up in government there is no pay difference between the two degrees. If I don't end up in government, although it would be a pain in the ass (chronologically and financially), I could go back and finish the other degree. Anyways, I will know next week if there is a possibility of getting hired in January.

So what does that mean course wise? This semester will be the easiest freaking semester EVER. First year psychology, first level Japanese, first level Spanish, fourth year Biomacromolecules (which, like all other BCH courses before it, will be a thorn in my side). As they say...yasashii.


Finally Phil and I had our housewarming party. I was so happy that I was in a position to entertain my friends and we tried to spoil them with shots, fancy cheeses (Goat Brie...yum), candy buffets, little tiny food and more. Edith brought the most amazing potato salad while Kristin supplied the home-baked cherry cupcakes. Chandy also supplied us with yummy cupcakes. It was a fun evening and I hope to do it again.

Our friends were also too generous and I will thank you guys again for the lovely sparkling wine (Marc), mad science bar set (Chandy and Ryan), the mushroom table vacuum and adorable monster bowls (Tim and Naomi) and a bottle of Grey Goose Vodka (Senam)! I think my friends know me pretty well. *heart*

CBS Art Gala

Signed up for the Comic Book Shoppe Art Gala this year. We will see how it goes. I am not expecting to gain anything from it. Just doing it for funsies and because Phil pressured me into it. I will have a few things to sell but not worrying about making money from it.

Da iPad

Oh man, oh man am I enjoying it. So far I have only bought two apps and they were both worth the 8$ I spent on them.

The first app I bought was Sketchbook Pro which is, as far as I could tell, the best drawing app for the iPad. Sadly the Adobe apps don't even compare. It doesn't even have layers and Sketchbook Pro has up to 6. Not bad.

The second app I bought is to upload and read my comics on the ipad. This is how electronic comics were meant to be read! While it is an overpriced electronic comic book reader, it is a freaking awesome one. I am tearing through titles like there is no tomorrow!

Well, that's it. Back to writing my COOP report!

friends, ipad, art, comics, life, school

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