Oh man, I am so looking forward to this movie.
Gawd Bless America is a road trip featuring the young, sceptical director and a 69 year old tinfoil hat wearing (literally) true believer, taking in places such as Roswell and other havens of woowoo. Watch the promo, the bit where the crop circle believing "expert" gets a flyover of the "definitely the real deal" crop circle is classic. ETA: On a few more viewings, I'm not completely convinced that it isn't a mockumentary, the professor does seem a little bit too good to be true, but it still looks funny,and I'm pretty sure the other mouth breathers are the real deal. ETA2: There ya go. The crop circle guy is an actor named Frank Karas. Pity, kind of reduces the whole thing in my eyes. Still, valuable lesson about gullibility.
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