Purple Pink Poodle Hair

Jan 22, 2005 01:57

 I want to see Hide and Seek, it looks like it may be good. Robert DeNiro stars in it and he's awesome. The release date isn't till Jan. 28th. However as we all know that doesn't mean Zanesville will get it then. Hopefully it will be playing it though and it will be a good movie. There hasn't been a really good thriller for quite some time. I just don't want it to be another 6th Sense.

I have been thinking about trying to move out of my house although it would take me getting another job in order to pay for it. I don't know if that is possible with as much time there is in a day but you never know till you try. The past few weeks have been pretty fun.

I dyed my hair pink Wed. night, it turned purple pink and was extremely curly so I looked like a purple pink poodle. However a few people said they liked it I believe it was too much pink. It would have been pretty cool if it would have been easy to seperate the part we wanted to dye brown from the pink. I dyed it brunette last night and now it has red highlights, it's really pretty. if you look at the highlights in the right lighting they don't look like a real red but a redish pink which is awesome. I like it very much. Everyone wants to see a pic of me with pink hair but i am debating showing the one i have. it's not very good because it was out of focus. I still don't know how I managed to do that. However, it was simply a lot of the color purple pink. Boobzilla  told me she has dyed her hair recently too. However we don't get to see each other often. Just in case she forgot again. Sunday is family day. hehehe.

The closer and closer my birthday comes the more and more I become completely astounded by how fast the past couple of years have passed. Maybe it is because I have been busy, I'm not sure. I just find it very hard to believe that it is now approaching in a matter of weeks. I do know that I may not be able to recollect some of the events that will happen, so someone will need to take notes and lots of pictures. I don't know how I am going to arrange things either but I'm not going to worry about any of that till the day of my birthday. Hopefully I will get to see all or most of the people who really have made a great impact on me and have a good time. I thought I figured it out today where I just set aside times for certain groups of friends because the different types of people will not mesh. All of my friends are great but it's just harder for some of them to loosen up around people they don't know. It's understandable because I am the same way.
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