Opinions others don't like? Do I have any people DO like?

Feb 20, 2009 19:21

tenshi_kain started it, so I'll throw my... *counts* forty-four cents in.

These are the opinions of one Alexander Krizak...

- ...also known as Joseph Alexander Patriquin, resident of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. People shouldn't be afraid to use their real name online; sure, the nicknames are fun, but they just lend to the problems that anonymity cause.

- People should also choose one online nickname and stick with it. I hate looking at people on my Xbox friends list or my Livejournal or AIM and thinking, "Wait, who the hell is that?"

- Final Fantasy VII has not aged well, Final Fantasy VI was a better take on some of the core concepts of FFVII in the first place, Final Fantasy VIII is better than both of them, and Final Fantasy X-2 is better than any of the regular numbered Final Fantasies.

- Tactics-wise, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and A2 are both on part with the original Final Fantasy Tactics. And Marche is the goddamn villain.

- Chrono Trigger deserves the pedestal it is placed upon, but it shares that pedestal with Chrono Cross, which is just as good a game.

- Xenogears is a terrible game, long before the second disc comes about. References to famous literature, popular movies, and religious symbolism do not constitute a good plot, the battle system is passable, but not good enough to make up for the plot, and as Tales of Vesperia taught us, great characters can make up for a terribly weak plot, but Xenogears only has about one of those.

- Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a worthy successor to Melee.

- Fighting games need to stop having such complex controls; they are a terrible barrier of entry for people wanting to get into the genre. The Super Smash Bros. series has the right idea, to make the abilities easy to pull off and place the skill in knowing exactly when and how to use them, rather that whether you can execute a pretzel in .1 seconds.

- MMORPGs should not be grindfests, you should not start off killing cute little bunny rabbits, questing should be the best way to advance in the game, and you should not be forced to group with likely stupid people in order to advance.

- The Wii is worth every penny, and I am still glad that I own one.

- The West Wing was just as good near the end of the series as it was near the beginning. Only the middle sagged a bit.

- There's still nothing on TV as good as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel were in their prime. No show has made me religiously watch it since then.

- Wrestling was once fun to watch, but at some point, it just simply began to require more brain shutdown than is healthy to enjoy. The whole kayfabe/shoot/whatever thing also bugs me; either keep pretending its all real 100% of the time or don't.

- No genre of music is inherently bad. Some may have more bad songs than others, but anything from country to polka to death metal can have good songs.

- The Harry Potter series was in general pretty good, save for the fifth and seventh books.

- Stephenie Meyer is not to blame for the Twilight craze; almost everyone has written something horribly bad in their lifetime, and it's not her fault that crazy people actually seem to like it.

- Canada is better than the United States in most ways.

- I call myself a creationist agnostic. This means that I believe that the universe was created, but I have no idea who did it, and I don't believe I will know until I die, and possibly not even then. There are just too many aspects of the universe that are incredibly conductive to life existing to make me think that it just is.

- Religion should not factor into anything a government does; I should not be denied any sort of right because the god somebody else believes in supposedly said, "No."

- Christians can choose to either obey every single word of their Bible (which will likely mean life sentences when they put folks who work on the Sabbath to death) or accept that 99% of the book was ordinary men pushing their own beliefs and rules that fit the times forward and the only things that should really apply these days are (a) things Jesus said and (b) the Ten Commandments.

- Gameplay is just as important as writing in an Eternity tournament, and losing sight of that will cause the downfall of the tournaments. As such, you should not be able to sign up as a sidekick in a tournament; participation should be all or nothing.

- Survivor XIV wasn't as bad as everyone says it was.

Now, I suppose I should work on my answers for that previous meme. Man, some of those are tough...
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