Dissertation deathmarch accountability, Episode 2

Jan 31, 2012 20:44

Started this yesterday morning at 9 a.m.  Might finish Section 4.1 tomorrow ...

With my draft or on it?

Hours since draft-kill commencement: 35.5
Hours actually worked: 9.5
Microsoft words/pages total: 4,754/25
Manuscript words total: ???
Microsoft words since draft-kill commencement: 1233
New tables created: 1
New charts created: 9 (but none inserted into the document)
New maps created: --
Pages covered with scribbled notes: 6
Sustenance: Pancakes; leftover ravioli; chicken soup; bread.
Caffeine (or not): Republic of Tea "Ginger Peach Green"; Tetley decaf
Tea cup: UConn USG's commuter appreciation mug; the big Dunkin' Donuts mug
Alcohol: 1 ounce of brandy
Dancing: none
Domestic tasks accomplished: Washing dishes
Sleep: 7 hours
Showers: 2
Naps: 1
Exercise: Gentle stretching
Books finished while I was supposed to be dissertating: Sofie Kelly, Curiosity Thrilled the Cat; James R. Benn, A Mortal Terror (seriously, once they hit the beach at Anzio I couldn't put it down)

Mean things: Discovering that the 1830 data table had two duplicate entries in it, necessitating the correction of every 1830 data calculation [DONE]; discovering that two tables that were supposed to take exactly the same approach, don't [FIXED]; discovering that another table was calculated using the wrong column of data [FIXED]; discovering that the 1850 population data that has actually been published already, had an error in it [FIXED]; spending an hour fussing with a task that I forgot I'd already done; realizing that the current organizational scheme doesn't work at all [FIXED?]

Darling: --
words Word don't know:  --
Tyop: --

dissertation, death march

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