- Yoga stretches.
- Running (six laps).
- Feed the fish and the cats; also fresh water for the cats.
- Make breakfast and put away clean dishes while it cooks.
- Eat breakfast while reading an interesting cookbook.
- Translate French notations on a Russian map.
- Organize congregational newsletter materials.
- Shower.
- Finish yesterday's crossword puzzle.
- Mess with new RPG stuff.
- Pet very insistent kitty.
- Update finances & balance checkbook & organize bills
- Eat lunch.
- Nap.
- Work on Lecture #2 (nearly done!)
- Poke at new RPG stuff some more.
- Make dinner.
- Clean up after dinner.
- Watch a Rawhide episode and part of Antiques Roadshow.
Not sure what I'll do between now and bedtime, but this was pretty productive for a Sunday.