that was the day that was

Jan 25, 2010 19:44

The bad: Power failure in the classroom building, due to high winds associated with this major rainstorm.

The good: The emergency lighting came on after just a couple of minutes of pitch-blackness and cell phone "lights" in our windowless basement classroom.

The bad:  The regular power, including for the computers, did not come back for about half an hour.

The good: With the HVAC off, the room did not get uncomfortably hot!

The bad:  The class I'm teaching is ... basically a software class.

The good:  I had brought a non-computer activity with me, so we looked at different examples of real maps for half an hour at the beginning, instead of at the end.

The bad: My "office" was pinched away for the afternoon by the departmental search process.

The good: I wanted to leave early anyway, to allow more time for bad-weather driving.

The bad:  Bad-weather driving is really, really tiring.  I got up at 5 a.m., the drive is 1.5 hours each way, and I'm so tired my face hurts.

The good: I am home, safe, reasonably warm, have lazed around for a couple hours and had dinner, and will soon be able to tuck myself into bed.

I think I'll call it about evens, eh?

academia, day in the life

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