Year-end review

Dec 31, 2009 14:26

Well, I've been pretty quiet here lately, but I figure I might as well do the "first line of the first entry of the month" thing.  I've found it interesting in the past.

Jan:  It's going to be a sloooow day - staying awake to midnight does that to me.  (Can't believe I stayed at S&A's till after 10:00 - poor N was utterly exhausted!).

Feb: Okay - cough/cold under control (though not entirely gone), so we're ready for a good day today.

Mar: Thank you, princejvstin - I have some more reading to do, it's clear!

Apr: Today, I'm going to use mostly as a "catch up on stuff" day:


Jun: Okay, so I haven't finished any of the books on my bedside table - I'm *partway* through several of them still.

Jul:  1.  Still lactose intolerant, if anyone was wondering.  8-(

Aug:  Time for another semi-random post!

Sep: Apparently it's town policy to pick up any abandoned animals, and since there were actually TWO ferrets found over at the soccer fields yesterday, they're confident the poor things were abandoned.

Oct:  Over here.

Nov:  So I have a little spare time right now (gingerbread is baking!), and what do I decide to do with it?

Dec:  This couldn't possibly be relevant, could it?

i can spell miscellaneous

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