Library book sale!

Apr 18, 2009 17:48

And you know what that means ....

Acquisitions for me:

George Orwell, A Collection of Essays by George Orwell (I know he's a famous essayist, but I think I've only read one of his)
Immanuel Kant, Prologema to Any Future Metaphysics (I keep meaning to read more philosophy; it should be easier with some around)
Sheri Reynolds, A Gracious Plenty (novel, looked interesting)
Scott Douglas, Quiet, Please: Dispatches from a Public Librarian (there are a lot of librarians in my life)
Harold Kushner, When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough: The Search for a Life That Matters (spiritual stuff)
Patricia C. Wrede & Caroline Stevermer, Sorcery & Cecelia; or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot (this is well-liked by friends .. now I have my own copy to read!)

Acquisitions for the Son:

Rosanne Hooper, Life on the Islands (World Book Ecology)
Elisa Carbone, Blood on the River: James Town 1607 (one of the Nutmeg Award books he read - he wanted his own copy)
Helen Fox, Eager (ditto)

diary of a text addict

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