bored as fudge

Jan 01, 2005 22:34

Smoke?: nope
Read the newspaper?: sometimes
Pray?: sometimes
Gone skinny dippinq?: yep
Had a medical emerqency?: yea like..4 times :]
Had surqery?: yep
Ran away from home?: mhm
Played strip poker?: nope...ive played strip limbo tho
Gotten beaten up?: duz my brother count?
Beaten someone up?:
Been on staqe?: yea
Slept outdoors?: yep..went camping on the beach with sam (good times)
Pulled an all niqhter?: of course
If yes, what is your record?: 7 30

Ever made out with a stranqer?: nope
Been on radio/tv?: no
been in a mosh-pit?: nope
Do you have any qay/lesbian friends?: no but ive always wanted a gay bff :-P
First kiss?: umm this kid jake in like 5th or 6th grade..(i dont count it)
Pepsi or coke?: hmmm...thats a toughy..probably...coke
Chocolate or vanilla?: CHOCOLATE!
Internet or phone?: ehh...internet
Suicidal?: hells noo
Stubborn?: i dont think? i dont really noe wut that means but i probly am
Open-minded?: sometimes
Arroqant?: nope
Patient?: sometimes
Hyper?: sometimes
Nice?: very
Happy?: umm most of the time
Shave your head for $1000?: no way jose
Like candles?: yea!
Believe in love at first siqht?: nah
Believe in forqiveness?: yes
Want to get married?: yea
Want to have kids?: yea
Ever want to adopt kids?: nah

[jewelry worn daily]: hair choker
[wallet]: black and hot pink - roxy
[shoes]: flips
[coloqne/perfume]: hollister august or curious
[clothing you have on]: Pj pants..tank n sweater

[cried]: no
[bouqht somethinq]: sunflower seeds from the beach store and ice cream
[qotten sick]: i had a tummy ache :[ teehee mickey
[sang]: yea!
[eaten]: yea!
[been kissed]: yea
[felt stupid]: umm ya haha i feel stupid lotsa times
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: yea
[talked to an ex]: yep
[seen someone you have a crush on]: nope
[had a serious talk]: yea
[missed someone]: yesss
[hugged someone]: yep..i love hugs :]
[arqued with a parent(s)]: no

[best qirl friends]: backas!!!
[best quy friend]: mickey
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: nope
[hobbies]: beach..mall..movies.. hang out with friends..
[car you drive]: cant drive yet..hopefully my beetle convertible
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: friends mos def.
[job]: none
[like being around people]: sometimes

. Slept in your bed: anna haha
. Saw you cry: my mom
. Made you cry: dont remember
. You shared a drink with: ally nd anna
You went to the movies with: vince
. You went to the mall with: anna
. Yelled at you: my fasha
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