Aug 03, 2004 19:12
today i woke up at about..11 30 nd uh no one wus home they were all at the beach! yea..they left me..nd anyhoo i ate breakfast alone..[not too unusual] nd then i got ready for the beach nd walked there..nd then me nd my cuz [kristi] were body surfin nd shtuff-huge waves! nd then it started to rain and uh yea so we had to leave nd come back nd swim at the after the pool i took a shower nd wutnot nd jus hung around at the house nd wus BORED ALLL DAY :[ sumtime around 6 30 tho i went down to the beach nd jus sat in the sand nd thought about alot of stuff nd then came back..had dinner..nd hung out wit the fam..eddie called..[for once] hehe..nd im headin out to play sum poker! :] ill update tomorroe!
xO nova Ox