Jul 27, 2004 20:50
hola! today i sat around at home and did a whole lota nuthin! soooo much fun! lemme tell ya. BUT when i woke up this morning i actually went on a run! haha yay ! go me! i ran around all of monteray nd it wus reeallllyyy hott! but i saw this really hott guy walking his dogs haha..nehoo i also cleaned my room ( thats always fun ) nd then i painted my toe nails nd i watched what a girl wants! haha alexi! i still dont understand how i remind u of her..haha craziiness! lol nd yea..im sooooo bored! oh and this weekend me shannon anna nd ally r goin to islands of adventure!! yay uh!! woot woot! : ] thats gonna be a partay! lol ill finally get to ride the hulk! : ] yay! well im gonna go now... ill update tomorroe xO` lOvE yaSz!
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