(no subject)

Oct 15, 2005 01:51

So Wednesday I went to work and what not. I believe I came home after and went to bed. At least I think that's what I did. LOL

Thursday woke up and went to my Econ and Math class. BORINGGG! After school I went to Danielle and Marisa's and hung out with them. Me and Danielle left and went to my house to pick up Markus' hat and went and exchanged it. Too bad that hat doesn't fit him so once again we gotta exchange it, again. Me and Danielle went to Arby's for lunch. It was sooo good. I dropped Danielle back off at home and then I went home. I forgot to drop my prescription off so I went and did that, then I layed in bed and watched lots of tv, I never realized how much I loved tv. :D I went and met Markus at the bank to cash his check. We went and picked up Shawnie and went to Micky D's for some food, then went back to my house. They went and cut the grass while I sat inside and watched tv and fell asleep. Then like an hour later I had Markus playin all his ringtones from his phone in my ear so I got up and threw some clothes on and we went to a haunted house. I think I almost shit my pants I was so scared. :[ After we left there we took Shawnie home, then me and Markus came home and went to bed.

Today I woke up at 10:30, took my dog to the groomers, came home and got in the shower. After I got ready I went and picked the dog up, then went to Courtney's and got her and Blake. We went to the mall to buy Markus' sweetest day gift, then I took her home. I went and picked up LindZ and then we went to the bowling ally. Bowled alright I guess. Not as good as I wanted to. So after bowling we came back home, watched some tv and played with Miss Bunny. At 11:45 me, LindZ, Markus, and Leslie went to Coney for birthday tradition. After we ate we came home and now me and Markus are about to go to bed. So yea that is all. :]

Tomorrow birthday party at my house with my favorites!
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