Mar 08, 2004 00:22
Weekend Update:
Monday-Thursday; getting learned.
Thursday night; The Last 5 Years (play). Columbia Med. School. Harlem. Gratuitous male nudity. Subway elevators.
Friday: lab rat, General Hospital. meeting to talk about my FUTURE. Taking German next year? Have lost mind? Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights. "I don't care if you're not dating--break up with him"
Saturday: Getting dressed at 4pm. "I need you to talk to me until 5" 50 years of history reading. Many hours of bad tv. Baklava. Grocery store going out of business. Text twist. Colin Firth on SNL.
Sunday: Brunch. "Are those sweet pancakes?" The Complete Works of Shakespeare, abridged. Work. Lots of coffee. STUDOVALA JSEM CESKY. My parents metaphorically shaking their heads in confusion at me. More hezky cesky. Listening to 80s music on Itunes.
Friday= Spring break!!