(no subject)

Jul 03, 2007 17:14

find your Inner Goddess

White Buffalo Woman, the goddess of Peace & Kindness-symbol of Patience & Connectedness. She is often seen wearing a white buckskin dress decorated with porcupine quills, carrying the peace pipe and accompanied by a white buffalo calf. She taught the people that they and the earth were connected, and that by smoking the peace pipe, one prays for the earth and all living creatures to live in harmony. You are a warm and good-natured person who is fun and affirming to be around, but can also be a bit shy and removed. You abhor conflict and seek to negotiate and arbitrate resolutions rather than fight, but you can sometimes overstep your bounds in the affairs of others. You are likely an INFP (idealistic philosopher), INFJ (counselor) or ENFP (social philosopher) personality type, and your enneagram is #9, The Peacemaker. Because you are a mediator who can speak to the inter-connectedness of things, yours is the fifth chakra: Vishuddha (throat), which is associated with awareness. Your aura is suffused with the color sky blue, denoting your clarity.How do you compare?
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