Jun 11, 2004 14:01
this is a song that is completely to shane..every word of it. i know that there is alot of confusion going on and alot of high emotions between me and a certain person, and i do have strong feelings for him. its just i have these feelings for shane i cannot explain. i want to be with this other person but its like my heart wont let me. its so hard. i dont know whats going on with me. all i know is that i love one person but i am in love with someone else. thats why i say that devotion to one person is never true at all! because i know from my own experiance and watching the pain and suffering its causing 3 other friends i have that are experiancing the same damn thing. well everyone knows this person im talking about is houstan, so houstan i love you so much, and im soo sorry about all of this. im not trying to lead you on or anything its just im confused and everything else. i just had to let all of that out...
*sometimes its hard when your so deep inside,
to see all you could loose in a blink of an eye,
dreams could be shattered,you could be gone.
how would i survive? cause your where i belong.
my soul believer is you, without you, i dont know who i would be.
underneathe i can feel you move through me, inside out you surround me, i breathe you like im taking my last breath, your everything i know, so how could i let you go?
*sometimes i listen to a voice that isnt mine, i disconnet with everything inside.
and i have made choices and wasted all the days i could have been with you, when my heart stayed.
and i know you've waited faithfully, blessing our love even stronger.
underneathe i can feel you move through me, inside out you surround me, i breathe you like im taking my last breath, your everything i know. so how could i let you go?
ive been blessed for every kiss, for every gift you have given me, and ive been touched by hands that trust, its my love that's risen.
underneathe i can feel you move through me, inside out you surround me, i breathe you like im taking my last breathe, your everything i know, so how could i let you go?