Jul 11, 2007 20:16
1. For those of you keeping up with the soap opera titled "Princess: The Metamorphosis"...haha...the caterpillar in my classroom has formed a crysalis around itself. It was pretty awesome to watch actually. The kids loved it. We watched the caterpillar molt and then harden and start turning colors. I will have to admit, it was pretty sweet. We then had to talk about the difference between moths and butterflies because I am not sure what the hell this thing is going to turn into. Here is the answer I got when I posed the question: "What do you think the difference is between a moth and a butterfly?" Child's Answer: "Moths are boys and butterflies are girls." Gotta love that logic.
2. We made butter today in class. It was a lot of fun. However, only THREE of my students actually tried the butter. The rest of them stated, "I don't like butter." What the hell. Parents, make your children TRY things on a regular basis. It really will do them a lot of good.
Idiots. The parents, not the kids. ;)
3. The other teachers (and I use that term loosely) at this child development center are morons. I choose to go sit in my car in solitude in the blazing heat of 97 degrees for my one hour lunch break instead of sitting in the break room with these people. That is saying something.
4. This one lady I work with constantly comes across the hall to my room to ask me how to spell words. It drives me crazy. Apparently I have "Webster's" stamped on my forehead. Get a dictionary you fucking moron.
And on a happier note....
5. I get to see my classroom tomorrow! My REAL classroom where I will be teaching in the Fall. I am so excited. I am going to get to meet with the principal too. I can't wait to see what my room looks like. :)
Well I guess that is enough ranting today. I am so glad it is Wednesday.