May 13, 2011 19:09
Today I feel content, I just got off the phone with Britt. I’m so grateful to have her back in my life because she’s just such a great friend. She always knows what to say to help me feel better no matter the situation. Honestly, it feels like things are coming together after God knows how many years of uncertainty.
Did you ever feel like there was one thing in your life, whether it be music, a certain sport, actor, or hobby that you just felt like you were a part of? Something you were just meant to work with, contribute something to in this world on whatever level, no matter how minute or trivial? I have since I was a small child. That thing or things, whichever way you think of it, has been reading/writing. I always knew I was good at it. I have always adored the written word. This is all relative because my cooperating teacher wrote “Over the course of the 90 hours, Kristin has demonstrated an immense knowledge of literature. Her love of the written was evident upon our first meeting.” I almost cried; I swear, when I read that on my summary of 90 hours. It made me feel like somebody finally saw me for what I really am, a lover of literature.
Speaking of language, “KK” has been transformed from a proper noun into a verb. I love it. I love playing with language. Additionally, “Kristining” is attempting to do five homework assignments at once, according to Steve. Whatever I guess.
I finally finished my 90 hours about two weeks ago, and I’m student teaching in the fall! I’m so excited! I also finally passed the Praxis II.
Sometimes I don't even know how to respond to things people say anymore. I think that means I'm growing up, a lot. Five years ago I probably would have responded with some equally as immature yet lame retort which more than likely may have had the potential to get me punched in the face. Three cheers for tolerance.
Anyway, yesterday was my last day of school until student teaching! No more finals. I’m just waiting for my grades now, which I’m sure are straight A’s. I’m thinking of heading down to the Inlet this evening to write in my journal and relax after the sun goes down. These are days definitely worth writing about. I love them both.
As of May 7th, I have been seizure free for a year. God is good, as always.