Oct 12, 2009 19:51
im bored as hell!
after going to vera wangs house nearly everyday last week and eating the halo halo i have been officially sick!
i cant go anywhere :(
lil kims @ her friends house sleeping ovah! and im stuck here alone, sick
my throat is super dry lol!
this morning i answered the phone but the person hanged up on me, because i sounded like an indian :(
anyways my holidays started off as usual. i slept, woke up and sat in my couch :D because no one was there to tell me off - for those who dont know, i was band from my couch because of the permanent groove of my ass LOL! IM A COUCH POTATO :D
i then went to vera wangs house to start making our costumes! it was a sweat factory for bench girls! the highlight of my week was when vera wangs mommy called me INDIAN!
ITS NOT MY FAULT IM BLACK :( - i was sad, luckily momma vera wang could cook good which was why i forgave her :D:D
after 3 days of physical labor benchgirls finished their costumes :D
my skirt turned out retarted~
3 days later and im sick!
i finished 2 whoe boxes of tissues, my nose is like sand paper now!
i cant go out!
i aint sitting in my couch now cause my daddys there .. i will later
xoxo krispyballs
vera wang,
lil kim