Yatta! Back to school, yatata. hehehe

Aug 21, 2007 19:33

back to school today, after a rainy vacation. hehe. i missed the school. for the very first time.

I wore PINK today. yeah, and everyone was like, "Why are you wearing pink?" or like "Has something gotten into you?" or  "Is Paris Hilton Gay?".
well duh, yeah. hehehe. i wore PINK because I felt like it. And it matches my belt. Garr.

we had a test today. FIRIPINJIN sucks,  lol.
and the professor too. i mean, where the hell did she get those test questions?

everybody's frantic making preparations for the Seminar. the program isn't yet prepared. the THEME isn't yet prepared. not all in the class have paid for the program's fund. and I HAVE TO DO THIS PRESENTATION THINGY. lol.

everything's hectic now. haaaaii. if i go to study in Japan will it be more hectic than this? hope not.

my new buzznet profile picture! hehehe.

kawaii ne?

maybe more girls will add me everyday thinking that picture's me.
i remember putting up Shirota Yuu's picture and then there was this comment "Yeah, you're hot". That's not me.

anyways, mkay. though i still have a cold.
NOTE: My cold is open for sharing. Bit Torrent, Limewire, e-mail, file sharing, blue tooth, infrared, snail mail, FED EX delivery available. And it's for free. FREE. For more details contact the user who posted this. ^_^.

that's all for now.


oh, and i joined our Logic subject's online class.

koike teppei, cold, nothingness

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