Hi! Remember me?

Aug 17, 2008 22:51

So I've not made an update in FOREVER!  It seems like I'm never home long enough to sit down and type up a post.  Every time I have a few minutes and think about posting Dillan is behind me saying "Momma I need this and Momma I need that" so I never get anywhere.

Dillan will be starting 3 year old preschool on Wednesday.  I'm excited and nervous about that.  We met his teacher last week at open house and she seems nice.  I know that he'll do fine because he's become quite a people person.  I can't wait to see how much he learns from being there.  He picks up on things and retains information really well so I expect him to do great.

Daniel is leaving his job soon to go offshore.  He'll still be gone for long periods (2 weeks) but he'll also be home for 2 weeks so we'll see him a lot more and actually have time to do things as a family.  Plus, it will be great to be able to plan things since he'll have a set schedule and I'll know when he'll be home.  Two weeks ago Daniel took his week vacation and we went to Houston, TX for him to apply for the job.  He applied and tested (and passed) and they told him they will definitely contact him but it will be at least a month before they need him.  In the meantime they will be running his background check, etc. so that everything will be ready.  We know that they weren't b.s.ing us because they called his company the day after he got back to work to get info on him.  Unfortunately, since they called so quickly, Daniel had not had time to talk to his boss to let him know that he'll be leaving.  So that caused a bit of an uproar to say the least. lol

We've never taken a family vacation and since Daniel was taking his week off, Dillan and I tagged along to try to get in as much vacation type things as we could.  We expected to be in Houston for several days because we thought they would do Daniel's 3 day physical right away.  We planned to just do fun things together around that.  Since it's going to be a bit before he actually starts they did not do his physical while we were there.  Anyway, on the way down to Houston that Sunday night we found out a hurricane was heading straight for Galveston (the beach we planned to visit right near Houston) and the Houston area.  I was super pissed.  Daniel woke up early the next morning (Monday) to be the first person at the office to apply.  He was there a couple of hours and then came back to get us from the hotel before check out.  Since we didn't have to stick around for work related stuff we decided to head toward Galveston anyway and just make sure we were in and out before the storm (it was scheduled to hit late night or early morning).  The beach was gorgeous and perfect.  Since there was a storm heading in there was a nice breeze so even though it was hot out we didn't kill over.  The waves were constant but not too big yet--perfect to play in!  Dillan loved it, even though he puked everywhere the first time a wave hit him in the face and he swallowed saltwater. lol  I took him up to get a drink from the cooler and as soon as we got back in the water another wave hit him and he puked everywhere again!  From then on I made him stay up near the beach instead of heading out where the waves were bigger, with him protesting.  Obviously the vomiting didn't phase him. lol  We hung out at the beach the whole afternoon and then headed north out of the storm's path.

Once we reached Jasper, TX we decided to stop.  It was far enough north we felt safely out of bad weather range.  Jasper is a crappy town but it was super late and we were tired.  We got up the next morning and headed to Shreveport, LA--only 2.5 hours from home.  I had promised Dillan we would go to Chuck E Cheese so as soon as we reached Shreveport we headed there.  He had tons of fun, of course.  We had discussed going to the water park in Shreveport but Daniel felt sure it would not be open on a week day and we were just going to head home.  I was not ready for our vacation to be over though so I called and sure enough they were open.  So we got a room for the night and swam and relaxed.  We got up the next morning and headed for the water park.  Dillan and I had never been to a water park and we had so much fun.  We spent about 5 hours there and then headed for home, all sufficiently exhausted!

So that was our first family vacation and it was fabulous.  Dillan was a complete angel the whole time and he LOVED having his daddy around for an entire week.  We got back home Wednesday night so we spent the rest of the week just hanging out together.  Fun times.

I will try to post pics tomorrow from our vacation and I promise to start trying to be around more again.  I can't beleive everyone on my f-list hasn't dropped me!  Thanks for that and if you made it through this whole thing you deserve a cookie! 

school, dillan, vacation, daniel, sucky lj friend, work

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