Haha,, uhm...

May 29, 2007 13:54

Okay,, so I balled my eyes out when I had to hang up my band uniform last night to turn in. So much drama, so many fun times, so many memories. I mean this year alone,, SOO much has happened. me & Justin dont talk at all anymore,, he just doesnt care. but I'm accepting that,, though I do wish we couldve been friends,, or atleast end on a pretty note.

Something happened this past weekend that really hurt my feelings. Evan completely crushed me and I'm so numb over the whole thing right now. I couldnt even look at him Sunday,, but then yesterday I sent him a message telling him exactly how I felt && why.

I seriously considered him to be my best guy friend. He's always acted like he understood me,, understood why I did the things I did,,, ya know... he was just there. there for me to talk to. there to make me laugh, there to stop me from crying. but Sunday,, not even he,, could keep me from crying. Everytime I would look over at him,, I tried to hide it. really, I did. But I am still so ticked off, and hurt because he knows more about me than anyone and if he judges me for stuff I've done in the past,, then why shouldnt everyone else?? I'm very hurt, I'm very offended, and though I really hope our friendship doesnt die because of it,, we'll never be the same. I have never lied to him,, I have never said anything that would hurt him.

and he had no right.

On the bright side,, today was the senior slideshow. And Michelle Gianotti,, I officially love you for turning in that ohso atrractive picture of me getting my hair pulled out. haha, and there was also a picture of us at the freshman farewell. it was nice... but I cant wait to see the expanded version of the slideshow.

TOMORROW,,, OH! :] I am SOOO EXCITED!! hahah, the NHS members/student council are going to wear tyedye... and the seniors are going to wear falcon blue. then the NHS members are going to run around and tag the seniors. FREEZETAG! haha,,, but the only way to be unfrozen is to have another person crawl between your legs. hahahahaha. It's going to be soo much fun,, and I cant wait.

Wow. 2 days, 1 hour. then Krisie is no longer ever in high school as a student.

how twisted is that??

I'm so immature, && to be honest, I dont have any intentions of growing up. I'll get old, yeah. thats inevitable. but I'll be the funnest 60 yr old woman ever... I'll be jamming out to veggietales cds and cuddling with carebears. because I'm oh so classy like that. ;]

Time is going by so fast.
I just want to cherish each moment.
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