I know

May 28, 2004 09:11

Ok I havnt updated in a couple days...i know. I just havnt been in the mood. I find it easier to write if im in a bad mood or not all hyper and happy.
Its the first day of summer and im already ticked off. GREAT way to start off huh. So heres the thing...I dont have my own car...we can credit my dad for that one....and so my mom said this summer i can have her car a couple days a week. Thats cool with me. But of course i still have to tell her everywhere i go and stay by a phone so she can get a hold of me. Thats so stupid...i want to be free...on my own...and they insist i not be. I know many of my friends who get to be free from their parents leash once and a while. Iv never gotten into trouble or did anything to lose my parents trust and they treat me like im going to go off and skrew around and be stupid. Therefore i have to call them and give them a exact time to be home...where exactly im going and if i go anywhere other then that i have to call them and tell them. Most likely i will end up telling them where iv been anyway but i guess they dont think i will ...IDK!
My mom and I are alike so much....but i hate to admit it. Whenever we are in a "discussion" about something or im trying to talk to her about something...she never tries to see my side of things...or compromise. She doesnt try to understand me or put herself in my shoes for even a second. Its like shes blinded to whatever she wants. Thats not the best way to be if she wants to raise a respectful teenager if u ask me. Of course its not up to me because shes the parent...yada yada yada...trust me..iv heard it all and i know. And whenever i express my opinion and it doesnt agree with hers or she doesnt like it she always tells me i think that because im 16! Bull shit....just because im 16 doesnt mean im not my own person.She treats me like im this thing that thinks in 16 year old mode or something....not like an individual person that can think for themselves. I am very responsible and im not stupid by any means so i wish she would treat me like an adult and not some 16 yr old that cant think for herself. Yea no...im sorry im not like i was when i was 10 and thought my mommy was always right and she was someone to bow down to 24/7..and that she was always right. Im not like that anymore. As iv gotten older i realize all these little flaws in my parents and im not going to act like they are perfect anymore. Im still human and i still have my own opinions no matter what age i am. Anybody who knows me knows that im VERY opinionated. Iv been told that a million times....but id like my opinion to be considered or at least appriciated once and a while! If I dont agree with you or think you are wrong im going to let you know...if you dont like it..TO BAD!
Phew...ok im done venting. So....my plans for summer are now in action. Im officially going to Orlando to stay with my aunt on the 6th for 2 weeks!! Im sooooooooooooooooooooo happy!! I love it over there! You dont understand how great it is to go over there and be with people i love that wont punish me or repremant me for things....Im treated like an adult and i still get to have fun....we do things..go places...i get to visit and have a blast. I think we are planning on going to the beach for a couple days . The hotel my aunt showed me online is awesome! This is the website: http://sunviking.com/flausa.cfm

Check it out...its pretty awesome.
Also while im over there....my uncle runs his own house cleaning business so i will be helping him out and he will pay me! Im always up for making some extra money! He only works a couple days a week anbd only half the day so i will still have time to play....
This is what iv been waiting for since summer started getting close and creeping up on us. Every summer this is the highlight of my summer.
The only thing that sucks is that i usually go to my cousins house and spend some time there too but this year her husband is really really sick with something that nobody knows what it is...so hes not feeling really good..so it wont be the same over there. Just do me a favor and pray for him and hope that the doctors find out what is wrong with him so he can get better. They have 2 kids....Haley,shes almost 10..and beau ..hes alost 6. They need him and he needs them. Its really sad...so it might be a damper on part of my summer but thats alright...i still an excited to see everyone.
My aunt told me we might go golfing while im there. Iv never been but i would be willing to try. I would be just as content if i got to drive the golfcart. LOL...so much for golfing....
Anyway ..today my mother is suppose to bring me her car and i am going to go hang out with my friend Jessica for a while...then tonight i want to go to the movies to see shrek! I loved the 1st one and iv heard that the 2nd one is as good or even better so i cant wait!!!
Wow...iv written alot....i guess that makes up for the days i havnt written in it.
Anyway im going to go clean up and take a shower....i will update more(imagine that) later!
I acually am not mad anymore...maybe expressing myself in this little journal is acually helping me cope with my feelings i dont show. Hmmm....something to ponder on....
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