I have participated in this contest the last two months, and it is so much fun...but we need more people to join up! If you love trivia and Buffy / Angel, come join us! See the cut for upcoming dates:
Started in April of 2007 with a 100 Question Contest, the
50 Question Live Buffy and Angel Contests are just a bunch of fun for fans with Slayer/Vampire Know-It-All. The people at
Buffy & Angel: The Authors and
Save Angel work hard to successfully organize and host the one BtVS/AtS event that will leave you feeling eager to join the next contest. But you'll need to have your face buried into the television, watching reruns of the shows, if you want to have a better chance at winning.
Scott Allie has sent us one SIGNED copy each of the first 5 issues of SEASON EIGHT! And the winner’s going to be sent them next!
Since March of this year, two great websites (em-hmm, if I may say so myself) have been working to create a fun, well-organized online competitive game for Buffy and Angel fans. The contests, which kicked off in April, have only included actual television episodes. However, Season Eight, which is delivered to readers monthly through a comic book published by DARK HORSE COMICS, is now into its 7th issue. And Angel’s mini-series continuation of the show called AtS: After the Fall (published by IDW) has its first issue out in November, which happens to be the same month as the next AtS trivia contest. So, as previously stated, the comics will now be included in the contests, but ONLY the show continuations. We will not be quizzing over the comics that have not been approved by Joss Whedon to be thought of as more episodes in the series.
The questions regarding the comics will not differ in format from the questions regarding the television series. In other words, questions you may expect to read as "In the third issue of Season Eight, The Long Way Home part 3…" will be read as "In the episode The Long Way Home Part Three…"
October’s prize has partially already been stated at the top of this announcement. I am very, very, very (!!!) excited about the prizes. I’d been talking to Scott online the night before he was leaving Indy from his trip for GenCon and when I asked him about prizes, he, obviously, accepted the invite to donate. I am very grateful, and I want to thank Scott for donating. I read some Buffy TPBs once I learned that Joss would be continuing Buffy to Season Eight, and I’ve loved every TPB I’ve read… except for a certain one which I won’t mention by name unless someone asks me. And I know that a part of each comic that makes it so cool is always because of Scott Allie, so thank you Scott.
BUT, there's more! Along with the prizes donated by Scott,
SlayAlive.com is donating some THE LONG WAY HOME posters! The poster is made with the wonderful art that is displayed on the cover of the first arc's TPB, coming out in November. The poster was available at the San Diego ComicCon.
Images of the prizes:
http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/4939/p9030398fj8.jpg http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/5006/p9030401jt5.jpg http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/3016/p9030403qg4.jpg http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/1259/p9030404ci7.jpg http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/1727/p9030405qr2.jpg http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/4633/c8b51ux4.jpg The October contest is on the 13th or 14th of the month, depending on your time zone. Times can be found below.
Saturday, October 13th
BST: 9pm
EDT (Indpls): 4pm
CDT (Chicago): 3pm
MDT/CST: 2pm
PDT: 1pm
Sunday, October 14th
EST: 6am
JDT: 5am
The contest will be held in the chat room at SaveAngel.org .
- We DO except late contestants, and we will pause the contest in order to give new contestants time to read the rules.
- For continuous updates and reminders for each contest, join Contest-Creator/Designer Tim at his site’s Yahoo! Group,
http://groups.yahoo.com/groups.btvs-angel-authors , and/or join the CONTEST REMINDER E-MAILING LIST by emailing your request to buffysmglover2@yahoo.com . If you have already sent in your request to join the mailing list, you do not need to send another request to Buffysmglover. However, feel free to join the Buffy & Angel: The Authors Yahoo! Group.
Messages From the Judges
The best thing to remember about these contests is that they're fun. Some questions are easy,some are hard but you get to have a great time meeting and playing with your fellow Angel/Buffy fans! One thing I've learned playing in these contests is that it's amazing how much I know that I thought I didn't know. Test your brain. Find out how much you know! Learn stuff that you didn't know! Win prizes! It's more fun than the undead should be allowed to have (Certainly more than Angel should!)! --- Scott / BuffyverseForever (Judge)
When you first enter these contests, you’ll probably be thinking "I know I’m going to suck at this today." The funny thing is, everyone else is bad too! The contests are designed to be fun for everyone involved, trivia-buff or not. And if it makes you feel better, while you are having fun, I’m shaking in front of the computer monitor worried about messing up. And my aunt is bringing me another glass of Coca-Cola (this is not an endorsement! Pepsi rocks too!), asking me if I’m hungry. And I tell her no. Then the contest ends and mostly everyone is happy, especially the winner and sometimes the runner-up, and I realize I am extremely hungry. Then we all chitchat for around ten minutes until the crowd slowly dies away. And I eat. So everyone is happy! - Tim / Buffysmglover (Creator / Judge)
And don’t forget to purchase the 6th issue of SEASON EIGHT, No Future For You - Part One, from TFAW.com.
"You’ve got apocalypse written all over your face."
The Slayer population of the world has gone from two to nearly two thousand. Almost five hundred are working with Buffy’s European-based organization in squads-or "terrorist cells," according to various military forces. Enter Faith, the pioneer of Slayer-related dirty work, whose talents as a fierce fighter continue to garner the attention of her former Sunnydale compatriots.
Please Visit the People Involved
Timothy "Tim" Cox aka Buffysmglover
http://www.buffysmglover-thoughts.blogspot.com (updated occasionally) Shiai Mata
http://www.myspace.com/shiai Scott Allie
http://www.scottallie.com SITES
Buffy & Angel: The Authors
http://www.btvs-angel-authors.net.tc http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/btvs-angel-authors Save Angel
http://www.saveangel.org 50 Question LiVE BtVS/AtS Trivia Contests @ Myspace
http://www.myspace.com/btvs_ats_live_trivia Dark Horse Comics
http://www.darkhorse.com SlayAlive Forum
http://www.slayalive.com ---------------------------------------------------------
---One of the judges may participate if we don't have an ODD number of judges. By participating in one of the contests, you present the fact that you are aware one of the contestants may be one of the people who work WITH the contests. You also agree not to sue or in any way offend the site if the judge wins. (Most of the judges stink at trivia anyways.) The absolute ONLY judge that knows the questions and their answers before-hand is BUFFYSMGLOVER, who will NEVER be a contestant. He does NOT share the questions and answers with the other judges ahead of time.
---We are not affiliated with God (Joss Whedon), FOX, or any other related companies, people, or demons, so on and so forth. The contests are 100% the work of fans. And sometimes Buffy/Angel authors, comic writers, comic artists, and comic editors, but they also fit into the "fans" category.