I am officially a Glambert now

Aug 29, 2010 18:04


I got there around 2:30 and there was only like 20 people lined up by the barricade. It was hot as balls and I was lonely and by myself :'( But then I met up with seemingly_alone from beep and we talked and hung out for a while. She used my nail polish and I was jealous because she met Tommy and Monte earlier that day. She's totally awesome though :D

Allison, Immerman, Cam, Monte, Longineu and Tommy walked back and forth from the buses all day. Allison said she'd come back to sign stuff but she never did :'( I was so sad. But holy SHIT she looked so fucking good. Oh my god.Have my babies, please. Longineu was with his fiance the whole time and they were cute.

Tommy came over eventually but he had to leave. Unfortunately for him he had a bunch of Glamberts blocking him and he ended up signing and hugging and taking pics with almost everyone before he was like 'okay. seriously. i have to go' but he promised to be back. and then he got into a truck with some skinny blond chick and didn't come back for a few hours but i'm not going to start any rumors. just sayin. OH But i did get a hug when he was trying to get through us all even though I felt bad after because he seemed to be rushing.

So then fortee_too was there and we behaved a lot more than we did last time. We didn't scream Kris Allen lyrics on the top of our lungs to piss anyone off. But we were being annoying with a few other girls that were there and everyone else was giving us looks. We poured glitter all over us and I had cheetah print press-on eyeshadow. it was awesome.

Tommy came back after a while with that girl. i saw her quite with Tommy a lot by the buses later after the show so either they are related/friends or they fucked. I'm thinking they fucked. Anyways, that's not important.

I got a picture with Tommy but I look like a creepy child molester and I wanted a new one. I also wanted one of him smiling because that bitch NEVER smiles. So me and this one girl named Kasey were determined to get another one with him but I didn't want to annoy him. I got one of her and she was happy and then she called his name when people started walking away and he was just kinda standing there like a derp.

She asked him if I could get another picture with him and I'm like 'you don't have to. i don't want to be annoying or anything' but he started walking over to me anyway and fortee_too said that i felt like a creep and he thought she said that he was a creep lolol. But yeah he put his arm around me again and he kinda nuzzled the top of my head with his cheek for a second and i was like OMFG. RATINA IS FUCKING REAL.


This old lady in a wheelchair came up and she LOVED Tommy. When he came up to her she was so happy oh my god. And he was so sweet with her it made my heart explode. She kept pulling him down for hugs and grabbing him and he didn't even care. He was smiling the whole time. ANd then she gave him rock star silly bands or something and he was like 'wtf is this?' at first but then he acted like it was the nicest thing he's ever gotten. it was so fucking sweet. it made me love Tommy so much more.

Oh and I got another hug from Tommy at some point through all of that and he rubbed my back. Me and fortee were basically jizzing the whole time.

And then Tommy went somewhere and Monte was out so we walked over to him. HOLY SHIT he has gorgeous eyes. I never noticed how pretty they were. If he wasn't married with four kids, i'd totally do him. he's so much better looking in real life than he is in pictures. He is so sweet too. I love him.

After that we finally went inside and peed and got drinks before we sat down. The chick we met earlier, Kasey, had seats right next to us so it was awesome.


Allison Iraheta needs to become hugely famous and sell millions of albums. That girl is unbelievable. Everyone was standing for the first song or two but then sat down. Me and Fortee were legit the only two people in our section standing. They kept yelling at us to sit down but i paid $130 for my ticket so they can go fuck themselves. I was rocking the fuck out. She's so unbelievable. I had so much fun. Her 40 minute set is so good. Not having Orianthi there made the show a million times better.

We noticed that there was quite a few empty seats in the pit area up front. We went to the security right after Alli finished and asked if we could sit there and if someone came and said it was their seat, we'd move. They wouldn't let us. WTF? Why waste a a seat? I'm sure Adam wouldn't mind having more people up in the front than see a bunch of empty ones. Assholes.

Anyway... the place because a fucking dance party. They played I Got A Feeling and Don't Stop Believing and Billie Jean. It was so much fun. I loved it.

us and the awesome chick we met :)

Then Adam came on and the whole place went nuts like always. He's beautiful and amazing and I had almost the perfect view except for some tall asshole's dead that blocked a little bit of it.

I finally saw the Ratbert kiss in person. It wasn't really that epic though. I was more like 'yay! i finally saw it' than 'omfg that's so hot!' I forgot about it like two seconds later lol

Ummm.. I fucking cried during Soaked and Aftermath. First because his voice is just so gorgeous and then because I realized 'omg i'm not going to see adam again for a long time' and that made me super sad. He's just so fucking amazing and I love him so much. I'm a glambert. I should buy my Glambert card now.

I don't really know what else to say about the show except that he was amazing and beautiful and jgsngknjkfgnksngjkfgnsk i want his babies.

We ran the fuck out of there after he did Mad World. If we knew he wasn't going to do 20th Century Boy we would've left right after IIHY. My fat ass doesn't run so I was dying when we made it to the barricade. I was squished after a while. Some bitch had her ass all in my junk and another girl was pushing against me like a moron. She had room in front of her but she was like trying to push me further back. Sorry, lady. YOu don't get in my way.

My goal was to get an Allison autograph for hyper_mofo, meet Adam, and a kiss on the cheek from Tommy. I didn't really accomplish any of those. Tommy didn't even come out. He just lurked like a creep in a black hoodie by the bus with that blond chick. Adam did come out but I wasn't close enough to say hi or anything. Seeing him in person doesn't really make me freak out anymore so I wasn't that disappointed. He signed my picture though and I held someone else's magazine out for him to take and he handed it back to me but that's really it.

And then the security told us to GTFO so I waited for my friends to pick me up and I got chicken nuggets and a vanilla milkshake from mcdonalds. It was awesome.

LOL OH and i saw neil walk by with some chick and the girl i was next to chased after him hahahaha he was probably like ew go away.

it was a pretty epic night.


I hope you enjoyed by Glamberting/tommyberting.

ratina is real, adam!

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