Sep 05, 2005 23:29
I needed this weekend. Some really cool stuff happened. I met the prince of Schaumburg Germany. That was tottaly cool just the fact that he is a real prince and lives in a real castle. Free funnel cakes. Up close and personal with David... ahhh I'm having a major brain fart. I can't remember his last name! I feel so dumb.. umm he was in the partarage family.. yea. Well the concert was fun. Septemberfest ened up being better than I expected.
I was very spontaneous this weekend.. I took a chance but so far its really gotten me no where.. Just a bunch of fun stories and stupid things to get excited about. Whatever.. Sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
Also in other news, I'm offically done with being crazy and parinoid over shit. I realized how unhappy i really am with the situation and now, I'm just sorta distancing myself from that situation. Sometimes things don't work out the way you planned on. Sometimes you have to realize to just let go even if it is the hardest thing. Sometimes you have to learn to just walk away. Sometimes you gotta make a life of your own.. I get it now. I'm gone. No more fighting.. just friends.. or whatever happens..
So after leaving this weekend and getting away from my problems at ISU it made me really think about my happiness here. I am happy sometimes. Other times I feel like I don't know if I belong. I guess I have to join more activites and find people that I enjoy myself with. If i don't find it this semester, I am seriously considering the whole transfering to the city or in some other state. This weekend away made me happy on my own. I just don't seem to care as much as I used to... maybe its not a bad idea. what do you think?
I honestly do not know where I'm going to be in this next month. It seems as if this month is going to be so freaking busy.. I am rushing, joining APAC, possibly joining other activities. I'm scared I will not have time for any of my current friends. I hope things go well these next few weeks. I hope I meet a lot of new people. I hope I find myself happy.
Take care! Back to reality..