Dec 05, 2005 22:04
sometimes i get this crazy feeling inside and i just want to laugh really loud for long periods of time.
i am starting my list of things that i want to do in life. someone told me that if you write them down you have a better chance of doing them. this is my rough draft:
1) be in a musical. dancing numbers, jazz fingers and all...
2) compose
a)a rock opera
b)a chorale piece
c)a song in my band that makes people raise their fists as they sing their heart out (sing it like you mean it!).
3) be an active feminist
4) visit many places off of the rock of the usa. firstly, belize.
5) hitchhike. this one is kinda scary. but fuck those urban legends. i will not live in fear.
6) not live in fear.
7) write at least one damn good book.
8) graduate before i'm 24 (ok that ones kinda a joke... but at least its feasible...).
9) let people know how much they mean to me
10)become fluent in another language
11)read, read, read...
i think 11's a good round number to start on. maybe i should always keep 11 things on the list. but then i might die with 11 things undone... damn.
i went to this party and met this kid. it was one of those "wow we know the same people, why dont we know eachother?" things. weird. i forget the kid's name but he shares a bunk bed with a kid from the pharmacy. swoon. speaking of which. i just love this fuckin song: "spent the first hundred years of my life growing old..."
then he told me that the clorox girls were on the end. i was like WTF to the maxxx... thats like my middleschool role model there... i dont know what i think of that.
now im gonna go get to work on that list there... xo
"you took it all for granted..."