Jun 10, 2005 16:37
Basic stuff*
1.Your name: Kristin
2.Age: 13
3.Boyfriends/Girlfriend: Yeah
4.If you have one whats there name? Will
Do you do drugs? nope
Have you ever Tried them? Nah
Have you ever Drank? yeah
Ever smoked? Nope
Is there Sumthin that you've always wanted to do but never have? haha..yeah!
If so what? well...
Do you have a crush? Yes!!
There Name? will
This or That
McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds
Fries/Baked Patato? Fries
Boys/Girls? B0ys
Dogs/Cats? d0g
Pool/Hot tub? p0ol
Hot wether/cold? h0t!
Baby names a girl and a boy: i dunno
Every been in love? i think so
Who with if so? i d0nt kn0w
Been Hurt? yEah
Song your listenin to right now? nuthln
Your most over used phrase?