Jun 10, 2005 19:21
OMG today there was a HUGE food fight in school.. ppl got suspended for five days which means they cant take finals with us.. hahah idiots.
then after school i went over allies and we watched the notebook. i love that movie soo much and im never gonna get tired of it. its by far the best love story ever! lol it made me miss colin even more.. lol i think im just gonna tell him. i mean like im tired of hiding it.. idk i want him to kno but then again i want him to say the same thing back to me.. but it doesnt always work out that way.. lets pray that it does tho. me, kristin, who has the biggest mouth at swimming is afraid to tell colin.. hmm il just think of wat marty sed "kristin bring ur sassy attitude" hahah.
tm me and my girlies are goin to mt creek! yeehah~
iight peaCe babes