Angela got in a wreck today. Blacked out, veered off the interstate and then flipped 5 or 6 times.... If it had happened a mile up or down the road she would've been dead.. Because a mile ahead of her was a bridge, and a mile behind her was one of those sidewall things.. :/
She hung upside down in the car for at least 20 minutes, still blacked out... Woke up and fought and crawled her way out....
I could hardly breathe this morning when she called me. We may not be going out anymore, but she still is the 2nd most important thing in my life (blood family not included).
She's fine.. No scratches, no broken bones.. Her back hurts some and she had a headache, but nothing serious.. (That we know of, the doofus refused medical care)
I realized how important she still is to me today.