Mar 15, 2007 00:28
Luck is a sweet trap isn't it?
I figure, everything we ask Luck to do for us is something we believe we can't do for ourselves. I'm guilty of this one recently. Hasn't worked.
See, I've the fortune of being naturally Lucky. I just can't do a damn thing with it. I'll find money on the street, get inside just as it starts to hammer with rain, make a bus or train that I've no right to catch all because Luck has fallen my way.
But if I try use my Luck? .... Y'know, I don't think I've ever depended on luck and had it fall my way. Of course there's things that've happen just due to probability but everyone gets that.
Luck, and the pursuit thereof, weakens us.
If we turn to luck we convince ourselves that we haven't the power to make a thing happen.
Now if we have that power inside all of us why don't we all win Lotteries and never have to work again?
How many times have you bought a ticket to a raffle or even lottery and thought "I'm not gonna win it."? And felt vindicated when you didn't? A lot? Congratulations if you did win. Probability got you that day.
Not only do you have to believe with a solid certainty you also have to out-believe all the doubters.
Tough one ain't it.
Here's a tip; start small.
Build your strength. Surround yourself with those who believe in you, not just say they do. Their belief adds to yours as well you know.
If you're reading this there's a good chance I believe in you. In who you are, in what you do, in who you can be.
It might mean nothing to you. It might mean something. *shrugs* Your choice to accept or not.
But do you Believe?
Oh, and can you guess where the title comes from?