Mar 18, 2004 22:07
So I'm having a really hard time with who it is I want to be. I want power, I love doing things with politics.. but is that really how I want to spend the rest of my life? If I go that way I would move around a lot, probably not have a family and no real home. Part of me just wants a simple life, with a job that I love but isn't so demanding, and with a family (I KNOW GASSSSP). And it's all starting to effect my life in other ways then driving me crazy. Wheres the point in your life where you know who you are meant to be?
So I'm coming home. Theres so many things I could do up here, but they can wait another year. I need me time and I need it bad.
Ahhh theres nothing like a nice orgy with Ben and Jerrys.