Mar 31, 2005 00:18
x\\ Spell your name backwards: itsirK
x\\ Have you ever had a song written about you: Does a poem count?
x\\ What song makes you cry: "All My Life"-K Ci & Jojo
x\\ What song makes you happy: "Candy Shop"-50 Cent
x\\ What's your all time fav. song: "Get Low"-Lil Jon & Eastside Boys
x\\ What do you listen to before you go to sleep: "Goin' Crazy"-Natalie
x\\ Height: 5' 4 1/2"
x\\ Hair color: Beach Blonde
x\\ Piercings: Ears
x\\ Tattoos: I wish...
Right Now . . .
x\\ What color pants are you wearing: Pink! Best Color EVER
x\\ What song are you listening to: "Shyne On"-Baby & Lil Wayne
x\\ What taste is in your mouth?: Capri Sun
x\\ Whats the weather like?: Fairly Nice, Dark Out
x\\ How are you?: Stressed
x\\ Get motion sickness?: Yeah...On Greyhound buses
x\\ Have a bad habit?: I Bite My Nails...errr
x\\ Get along with your parents?: OF COURSE...they rock!
x\\ Boyfriend/girlfriend: Ummm...nahhh
x\\ Have a current crush: A few...every girl's gotta have 9 or 10
x\\ Have a big regret: A HUGE ONE
Favorite . . .
x\\ Tv show: Full House
x\\ Conditioner: Bed Head--The Lime Green Stuff
x\\ Non alchohol drink: Virgin Strawberry Daquiri
x\\ Alchohol drink: Bud Light, definently SMIRNOFF
x\\ Things to do on the weekend: Chill with my Pals...
Have You Ever . . .
x\\ Broken the law: Yes
x\\ Ran away from home: No
x\\ Snuck out of the house: WHO HASN'T?
x\\ Ever gone skinny dipping: I want to...
x\\ Made a prank phone call: DUH-I Suck at It Though
x\\ Tipped over a portapotty: (I thought it said TRIPPED haha) Do you seriously think I got the guns for that?
x\\ Use your parents credit card: Yes
x\\ Skipped school before: Nada
x\\ Fell asleep in the shower/bath: Maybe once or twice...(it feels good)
x\\ Been in a school play: Not once.
x\\ Had a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes...they never last long though.
x\\ Had children: I hope not.
x\\ Been in love: Just "little-kid love"
x\\ Have a hard time getting over someone: All the time, I get easily attached.
x\\ Been hurt?: Omg, if you haven't, you've been very sheltered.
x\\ Gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: No.
Random . . .
x\\ Have a job: I want to be a model.
x\\ Your cd player has what in it right now: T.I. or 50 Cent
x\\ If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: HOT PINK
x\\ What makes you happy?: Shopping
x\\ The next CD you're going to buy: I have an iPod mini.
The Last Time . . .
x\\ You got a real letter & from who: 5th grade...don't remember
x\\ Got an email & from who: yesterday...Yahoo! horoscope
x\\ Thing you purchased & for who: Mickey D's...only me!
x\\ Tv program you watched: America's Funniest Home Videos
x\\ Movie you saw in the theaters: Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous-MUST SEE
x\\ Kissed & who: Nate G
x\\ Hugged & who: My Mommy
x\\ Song heard & who by: "Real Nigga Role Call"-Lil Jon
x\\ Place you were: MALL!
x\\ Phone call & who: 1hr 9min ago...Nate G
x\\ You were depressed: beginning of January...petty reasons
x\\ You were in the hospital: When I almost died...August