Dec 05, 2004 02:50
Name four things you did today.
[x] Made a phone call.
[x] Ate Burger King.
[x] Thought about my feelings for everything.
[x] Went to an auction. I didn't know they were that fun..
Name four things you wish you had
[x] White fur boots.
[x] Happiness.
[x] NO confusion.
[x] TONS of fun.
Name four things you're thinking about.
[x] Boys
[x] Cheese
[x] The itch on my leg needs to go away.
[x] Snowboarding
Your appearence
[x] Shorts
[x] Red Abercrombie sweatshirt
[x] Curly hair
[x] Pink bra! :)
Last thing you..
[x] Drank: Apple Juice
[x] Ate: Chocolate
[x] Looked at: Computer Screen, Seventeen Magazine
Who do you want to..
[x] Kill: The people who act like the girls off of Mean Girls.
[x] Hear from: Bob
[x] Look like: hmm...CoverGirl of Victoria's Secret
[x] Be like: my mumma
The last time..
[x] last song you heard: “Let Me Love You”-Mario
[x] last movie you saw on the big screen: Saw
[x] last thing you had to drink: Apple Juice…for the 3rd time lol
[x] last thing you ate: Cheese…for the 1st time
[x] last time you cried: TONIGHT
[x] last time you smiled: When I was on the phone
[x] last time you laughed: Talked to Jessalyn
[x] last time you danced: homecoming
[x] last person you hugged: Jessalyn
[x] last thing you said: "good"
[x] last person you talked to online: Jessalyn or myself
[x] last thing you smelled: my breath, sick
[x] last cigarette: NE VER EVER
[x] last car ride: Ride home from the auction
[x] last good cry: Friday during the big break-up
[x] last library book checked out: Mates, Dates, and Cosmic Kisses
[x] last book read: Julius Seventeen magazine
[x] last cuss word uttered: When I got super mad at myself tonite.
[x] last phone call: Jordan
[x] last shoes worn: Pointy-toed blacks
[x] last cd played:
[x] last crush: right now
[x] last item bought: Water @ the auction
[x] last downloaded: songs on launch
[x] last annoyance: BOYS--explainable
[x] last disappointment: getting hung up on
[x] last thing written: Something...
[x] last key used: period (...)
[x] last word spoken: uhhh
Do you..
[x] smoke: no
[x] do drugs: no
[x] sleep with a stuffie: no, lots of pillows though
[x] have a dream that keeps coming back: yes
[x] believe there is life on other planets: i don't believe in outer space
[x] read the newspaper: no
[x] have any gay or lesbian friends: no
[x] believe in miracles: yes
[x] believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: no
[x] consider police a friend or foe: FOE-because of last summer
[x] like the taste of alcohol: SURELY
[x] believe in astrology: HOLY CRAP, yes, I read some like 10 min ago
[x] pray: everyday
[x] go to church: every Saturday or Sunday
[x] have any secrets: who doesn't?
[x] have any pets: nopers, just my sister
[x] go to or plan to go to college: yeah
[x] have a degree: no
[x] wear hats: sometimes
[x] have any piercings: yes
[x] have any tattoos: no
[x] hate yourself: no
[x] wish on stars: yeah
[x] like your handwriting: maybe...
[x] believe in witches: no
[x] believe in satan: I HATE HIM
[x] trust others easily: no
[x] like sarcasm: get’s really old
[x] take walks in the rain: YES
[x] kiss with your eyes closed: obviously…
[x] sing in the shower: ALL THE TIME