Jan 11, 2006 16:44
Through my first offical day as a nursing student!And I also made it through my Pharmacology class last night(barely:)I was so nervous I havent eaten anything yet as of now........The main thing that I was really worried about was the fact that I didnt know anyone going into the class, but I managed to meet 2 people before the class even started while we were outside the door waiting........One actually lives on a lake and made the comment that she has 3 boats and I can cmoe over and study with her on the boat on the lake in the summer!! Talk about a way to study!!hehe
Other than the good news about todays class there was a little bad new too, not too bad though:)The uniform that I had for the class was not the ones that I had to have, so I had to go after class to some nurse supply store and pay another $30 for another outfit that meets "their" requirements! I am asking myself, "When will the bills stop for this damn program?!"
Ok I guess I am off to study for the the shit that I have to have done by tomorrow:)