Nov 06, 2006 22:16
She said write down your words when you get lost
I listened.What more is there to do?
In this room with its one window.
I sit each morning, paper in hand
Watching the snow fall from its steely heart
Metallic to the taste, I am sure.
I want to taste the shadows. Lick the insides.
Snap every last little sense of feelings.
But I am alone, trapped in this room.
How can I feel when I am not allowed to live?
How to relate to life when I am caged?
I have this paper-my only door to the world.
It has been months, maybe years since I breathed sunshine.
I am alone here. What is a friend?
The one barred window.
I met a spider today as it inched along the sill.
“What is it like out there?”
Eight beady eyes stared back with a question.
His name is Silk. I remember the feeling.
Fabric, liquid through my fingers.
I once had a dress a deep red like blood.
Memories. They are with me now.
I am no longer alone. I cry sometimes.
They do not know what to do for me.
She told me to write what I feel.
Words to let out my soul. Free.
I am lost. Where am I?
Sometimes...all it takes is a poem.