Several Months' Worth of Fan Rambling

Jul 09, 2021 10:27

So, yes, fannish ramblings from me. Since they're spoilery, I'll put the "Ao no/Blue Exorcist" ones behind a cut.

First, it's going to be a long wait for April when AnE comes back from hiatus. A cliffhanger just as Rin confronts Satan for what feels like the final battle?! Augh! But, I do love Rin's line to kick off the battle. That is the most Rin insult ever. And, it's true too.

Otherwise, I've been entirely too quiet on it, but this last arc of the series has been really great. The twins finally had the knock down, drag out fight they've been needing for years. Yukio finally got the wake up call he needed followed by a beautiful, heartwarming reunion with the rest of the cast whose acceptance brought the healing he also desperately needed. And, Shiemi is really coming into her own... even if I'd have rather seen her send Amaimon packing after his defeat than recruit him. But, any help for the final battle, I guess. It was also a pleasant surprise to see Mephisto (seemingly) openly pick a side. But then, Lucifer and Satan threaten to destroy all his toys, and I feel he's had it out for Satan ever since Satan insulted him at their first meeting. Finally, seeing Lightning's concern for his mentor, Osceola, was touching. Maybe the guy isn't as lacking in empathy as he claims.

Continuing my kaiju obsession, I finally broke down and bought this recent Gamera set. It is very nice. The older release I had tended to subtitle only plot critical dialogue and occasionally missed some of that. And, it was sub-only, so... Oh, and catching this in the opening credits of "Gamera vs. Barugon" was hilarious.

Lastly, finally watched the movie "Ladyhawke", which mintysage has been singing the praises of for years. I somehow missed this movie back in the 80's. Having seen it now, I enjoyed it. Oddly, it reminds me of "Dragonheart". It's a fantasy, but there's exactly one fantasy element - the curse - in the same way "Dragonheart" has only the one, last dragon. Still, the cast and scope is so small and focused this works fine. The weirdest element is the synth score main title music. It sounds more like the opener to an 80's TV show than a serious fantasy movie. But, it definitely put me in that 80's groove.

fangirling, kaiju, series prattle, movies, blue exorcist

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