Jan 20, 2008 16:58
okkk so, i did get to go out last night (: .. went & picked up jordan w & larrisa, went to checkers, went to pick up alex, dropped larissa and jordan off at the bowling alley, then alex & i went to go see cloverfield. ughh that movie was so lame. it was fun cuz i was with him of course but that was the first movie that i ever left early from because it was so gay lol. it was like this giant spider things in new york broke the statue of liberty and then were like bitting people and this guuy was movin to china but he was in love with his best friend - it was soo weird. so we left & i had to go pick up jordan, then we went to sonic and i took her home. alex & i got to talk about some stuff when we got to his house. it was a good talk (: haha .. i didn't get home til like 12:30 lol. but i'm superrr bored now again - and the patrriots game is boring cuz idc who wins and LT isn't playin so i turned it off, ha .. waitin for the green bay game .. & about ryan, he's still not allowed to talk to me and my mom still hates him, lol. (but that's not exactly a bad thing right now, ha)