And finally here are the results of challenge 04. I'm quite disappointed because of only 6 people voted. I really hope that in next challenge this don't happen.
This challenge we have to say goodbye to
I'm so sorry, i hope to see you in come-back or in next round.
And the people's choice is
elena_vlc_15 (Felicidaades)
And here the votes:
favourite icons
#01 -- el coloring es preciosoo/ coloring is beautiful
#04 -- The color is lovely, and the text placement, perfect.
#05 -- I really like the simplicity, text, and the coloring in this icon. So nice.
#06 -- Me gusta el brillo conseguido y el corte. Sencillo pero precioso.
#06 -- Cropping and coloring awesome. (and really good use of text too)
#08 -- Simple and nice: good coloring, good texture use, good cropping... (:
lesser icons
#02 -- Is overscreened.
#02 -- eL coloring le da un tono algo artificial a la cara.
#07 -- el moantaje es recgargado y apenas tiene color la imagen
#07 -- the composition is too much., and the coloring is not really good.
#07 -- The blending makes the icon looks too full, the textures neighter fit.
#07 -- Too many brushes used for a small graphic
I couldn't do the awards. I'll put them soon.
The next challenge soon