I know I know you're shitting your pants because I'm updating

Aug 17, 2005 22:11

Jeez I about feel like George W these days with everyone wanting me to post and everything. ;) I just love the stardom! ha ha Really nothing to exciting has happened. I had to leave home because well mom pretty much kicked me out of the only air conditioned room upstairs because my Aunt Deb is in town. Well screw that..I'm not about to sleep in a 110 degree room and melt into smithers. Pfff! So I basically told my mom to eat it and left. I'm glad my dad understands. I mean my mother is trying to accomodate her just as my aunt would accomodate my mom I'm sure but jeesh we don't even get that first class treatment and thats what I call 'bullshit'. I had to make sure I made a special trip for half and half and milk for her cereal. I'm sure she could just eat some toast. Well thats what us white folks would do but shes high class. It's just that my mom is so anal and then my aunt comes and she's a damn wreck. Not to mention people are coming to look at our house and stuff. I wish someone would buy it and we could move already. Ugghh Enough about that. I think I'll make my trek back home tomorrow after work. I think I'm going to Ferris' for a fire. I can't wait to see everyone. Yipee!

Lets see what else. Last weekend Friday night I got to hang out with Kevin, Franks, Rach, and Kim for dinner. That was pretty spur of the moment but fun nonetheless. Then we told Bobby we would stop by Da Shoe to wish him a happy birthday. The big 21. Phew we are getting old. He was sloppy drunk but gol was he funny. He's got some new noise or talk everytime I see him. He finally got rid of his damn sarcasm talk. Word to big bird or whatever he said! ha ha Then I hung out at Johns for awhile with some neighbors. I heart them! I even got to drive Eric's sweet truck. Yeah it's got a hemi. I was in love...I think the seat was 'damp' when I got out! Man did those tires squeal. :) We were a match made in heaven if I've ever seen one. On Saturday I cleaned the whole damn day. I'm so sick of cleaning I could just vomit pledge. Then I went out to yummy Panera with a friend. It was delightful! Then I went back home to see my Aunt. I hit the sac way too early for a Saturday night. Damn me! Sunday was Karas housewarming party. It was lots of fun. Dad was drinking Mai Tais which are yummy. He kept saying. "Mai Tai have another one!" I'm pretty sure he didn't need another one. But he keeps us on our toes. He found some Mardi Gras beads and thought my Uncles girlfriend might like them. Shes pretty looney and had a whole bottle of wine so she was toasted. Dad was like, "She ain't got any hooters anyways or any that I want to see but..." He's not right I tell ya. My Aunt Fran lifted up her shirt though. She is like 70 something and she acts like a teenager still. Shes awesome and like the grandma I never had. I love her! Sunday night I had a bonfire and that was fun. Once I finally torched that thing and got it lit. I think I was a girl scout drop out or something. :P

Ohh I almost forgot to tell my nasty highway story. So I pick Kim and Renee up in the village to head to EL to vist Brent in his new apt and meet Liz. We get to 127 and get into that lane. For some reason, Kim, Renee, and I all look to our left at the same time. We notice this nerdy older man in a mini van. He smiled and then kinda laughed. He had on those sunglasses that attach to your glasses and they were all flipped up goofy and shit. So I kinda laughed and then Renee looked shocked in the backseat. She was like, "OMG he had his penis on the steering wheel!" I think Kim almost shit and I just couldn't stop laughing. Sick thing is he was probably a bible thumping, boy scout leader, father of 4, and happily married SICK PORN FREAK. I think I threw up in my mouth right then and there. I just wish I would of seen it so I could of flipped him off and gave him my god awful ugliest look ever. Nasty perv. Jack off in your own home next time thank you instead of praying on young girls. Just randomness I tell ya.

Anyways it was fun hanging out at Brents. His new apt is nice. He has a sweet little kitten..it was kind of a little shit though. We got $5 Little Caesar pizzas. Holler at that. Then I drove back and stayed at Karas. Where I've been since. Working and trying to make some dough. Gosh I need lots of that thinking about all of the things I have to buy, pay for, etc. SOB! I can't wait for next week. J Simpson concert and moving in. I'll be so darn busy. I probably won't be able to sleep! :) But I'll love it. We have to pary it up on Saturday cuz technically that is our only day of welcome week fun. Yehaw! But the next weekend is totally tailgating. I can't wait! :) :)

Thats all for now in my pathetic update of a life. I'll go vomit now. I might find something amusing on the tele and then I'm hitting the hay. SHIT--SO HAPPY (tomorrow) IS THURSDAY! Where did the week go? Payday on Friday and I'm sure I'll have it spent with bills and frivilous shopping by ohh Saturday morning. Its all worth it though. Nighty darlins!
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